Friday, December 9, 2011

I'm not dead, a post about Plato and my shoes.

I'm alive, and well!
(For the coming week at least - as the 16th of December either marks the day I crash and burn furiously in the mouth of a volcano somewhere, for such a punishment is surely more preferable to the beatings from a set of Asian parents, or I rejoice in light of the fact that my efforts and toil for the past thirteen, although only the last two really count, years place me in a position where I can (un)gracefully declare superiority over majority of the human race. I'm joking of course - I already know that I'm better than most of the human race, dohoho.)

Morbid chat aside, today - the 9th of December - marks the conclusion of a somewhat significant chapter in my life. Those who know me in real life - who am I kidding, no one I know in real life still reads this blog, probably - will know that since I've been able to buy what I want to wear (thank you mother and father for undertaking such a Herculean task for the former fourteen years of my life), I've committed my feet to the Vans company. To clarify, ever since nearly four years ago, outside of school/formal occasions, my feet have known no shoe but that which came from Vans.

#Firstworldproblems? I don't give a shit, this is a pretty big deal for me. Plato, in his allegory of the cave, imagines a man shackled in a way that his whole life is lived chained facing the back wall of a cave. Behind him, a fire that runs continuously, and behind that still, a screen which separates the real world and world of the shackled. These shackled only see and know the world through the shadows of the real world, projected by the flame onto the back of the wall. This is their reality, as they know it. One day however, a cunning and malicious deceiver picks the locks to the shackles, thus freeing one of the shackled, allowing him to explore a world that is not his own. He turns around, and witnesses the fire that fuels his reality. He touches it, and he is burned and overwhelmed. Still, he notices the curtain separating the fabric of his reality from a realm unimaginable to him - he tears it open and, like a man staring into the sun for the first time, he cannot help but avert his gaze to what he is witnessing. His eyes, how they deceive him! His mind, how it races beyond him! His soul, how it is cursed with anxiety!

Thus, like the released man in Plato's Cave, so too released - are my feet from the Vans that were the only reality they ever knew. A life beyond Vans, seems to elude me, but now it is a possibility, now that I have found the nerve and guile to free myself from their spellbinding good looks and shackles, and the price, I don't think I can afford to invest that much money in shoes for the sake of collection/buying shoes on a whim anymore. But alas, it is true, today, the 9th of December - marks the day that I allow myself to extend my shoe collection beyond that of Vans. While I still remain very much in favor of wearing Vans, the exclusivity simply cannot last.

That Shit Kray.

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