Friday, October 14, 2011

So life.

It's been long put off - but it's always better late than never isn't it?

To the people commenting on my posts, I would like to extend my gratitude - truth be told, it makes me smile that somehow I'm not just rambling to empty space. Not that it should ever matter; right? I mean it's not like there's any - oh hell, I've said this so many times it's lost all meaning.

I guess I really haven't taken the time out to think about things recently, life has just been so eventful, while leaving me no memories. I've not come to some existential epiphany, I've yet to change my life dramatically, so I guess there's not much to talk about on the intellectual front. I did score 92 on the UMAT, which is a test required for students aiming to study medicine undergrad in university. That was very cool, I'm not going to lie - be proud of me. In other news, I did clean my room, thinking that a fresh environment would help me study better, it kind of did, but that's probably something no one wants to hear about either. For those of you who do, I'll be posting regular photo updates of my life on my tumblog ( Feel free to call me a hipster faggot, or a regular faggot.

High school officially ends for me in about a week (that's seven working days), and it's a topic that I really want to avoid, only because I'm not exactly sure how to convey my feeling towards the subject matter. Being one of those guys who comes to terms with things the minute before they happen or a solid amount of time after they happen, I've probably a lot of mixed feelings about leaving year 12. I wasn't the most spectacularly popular person in high school - let's face it, I'm a bit of a loser - but I've fit snugly into some groups and have had the privilege of meeting some pretty spectacular people. Depending on what I do for the next month, it may be the last time I ever get to see some of those people - for a few reasons. I might

  • move interstate to begin tertiary education
  • be thrown head first into the mouth of a volcano for getting a shit ATAR
  • be disowned by my fine Asian parents for "dishonra famry oo sun u no very goot y u so fucking suk? y u no like dat jimmy/daniel boy?"
My Asian accent is a lot better in real life - I promise.

On the other hand, luck may fancy me and I might be able to continue living in Melbourne, which would be fine too (so fucking fine). Regrettably, I'm a pretty terrible human being, and just so I can justify this, I'm going to get off my chest things that I'm more comfortable saying here than in real life, for whatever reason.

Mr Gotz - I apologize for that satirical post I made earlier this year, it turns out you do actually have a sense of humor (one that I can fucks with) and you're a pretty terrific bloke.
John Michael - I regret secretly despising you for the first semester of our chemistry class. Being me, it took me a year to understand how you felt about the quality of our class.
Vivek Akula - You scare the fucking shit out of me.
Anjan Kornepati - You're not the arrogant shithead everyone pays you out to be, but it's still funny.
Kevin Tao - Do you use like, bowling ball polish on your hair?
Tony Dai - Will you see this? I doubt it.

Okay I'll make some more later, there's more to come. Not sure when though, could be in a few days. In the mean time, I'll be posting my 10,000 word essay that I did for philosophy last year - for lack of any real originality.

Until then readers, stay fucking cool.

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